Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Camera Quiz

Group A


ISO: 800   f/ 8.0   Shutter Speed: 1/100

This is a photograph of a picture with a small depth of field. I created the small depth of field with mid to high ISO, fast shutter speed, and a lower aperture. The mid-high ISO allowed the right amount of light to be shown through the camera. The fast shutter speed kept the object in focus and the lower aperture allowed the small depth of field which is the focus on the closer object and blurred behind the front object. 


ISO: 800   f/5.0   Shutter Speed: 1/800

This is a photograph of a freeze motion picture. I created the freeze motion with a mid to high ISO, a very high shutter speed, and a lower aperture. The mid-high ISO allowed the right amount of light to be let into the camera. The very fast shutter speed allowed the camera to take the photo of the person walking in a freeze frame. Then the lower aperture allowed the focus to be on the person walking. 


ISO: 100   f/8.0   Shutter Speed: 1/25

This is a photograph of that is void of grain. This was made with a low ISO, a low shutter speed and a mid to high aperture. The low ISO allowed the photo to have no grain in it and be clear. The low shutter speed allowed more light to be shown into the camera and the mid-high aperture allowed clear focus and separation from the background.


ISO: 800   f/5.0   Shutter Speed: 1/40

This is a blurred motion selfie. This was taken on a timer with a mid ISO, low shutter speed, and low aperture. The mid ISO allowed the right amount of light to be let into the camera. The low shutter speed allowed for my hand waving to be blurred and the low aperture allowed for a smaller depth of field to focus on me and to also let more light in.

        Throughout this unit, i have learned a lot about cameras. I learned that the ISO of a camera measures the sensitivity to light of the camera. That means it lets in the right amount of light so the picture that comes out isn't too bright or too dark. Then the shutter speed of a camera is the amount of time that the shutter is open. This shows whether or not the picture is blurred according to shutter speed. Next is aperture which is the size of the opening in the lens when a picture is taken. This allows you to take a picture of a subject with a blurred background or with the entire picture clear. Last is white balance and how it helps you get the colors in the image as accurate as your eye sees them. Each of these contribute to the exposure triangle which create a well taken picture.

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