Wednesday, November 19, 2014

What is Composition?

1) Composition is the arrangement of visual elements within a frame of a photograph.

2) It is important to utilize composition because several of the visual elements (line, texture, shape, light, motion, and perspective) are used within a photograph.

3) A snapshot is just taking a clear picture to preserve a memory, nothing other than that matters. It is  to only capture an image in the moment.

4) A photograph is suppose to tell something about its subject and be artistic. You put the subject into focus and make sure that nothing else disrupts or pulls focus away from the subject. It not only shows the subject but the story behind the subject and it should do this through impact and style. It should be composed of visual elements that are arranged to work together. You can get an idea of personality and attitude in a photograph.

5) Photography is the art of discovery. You are discovering endless variety.

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