Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Understanding Shutter Speeds

Slow Shutter Speed
ISO: 1600   AP: f/4.5 Shutter Speed: 1/50

Fast Shutter Speed
ISO: 1600   AP: f/4.5   Shutter Speed: 1/800

Shutter speed is the amount of time that that the shutter of the camera is open. The smaller the shutter speed is, the more blurred the photo becomes. This is because the shutter is open for a longer time. Then if the shutter speed is larger, the photo looks like its frozen in time. This is because the shutter is open for a shorter time. The shutter speed is at the bottom right of the exposure triangle and it plays a big part in capturing a photo in the way you want (blurry or frozen).

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Understanding Aperture

Small Depth of Focus

AP: f/4.0     Shutter Speed: 1/160    IOS: 800 

Large Depth of Focus

AP: f/25.0     Shutter Speed:1/8     IOS: 800

Aperture is the size of the opening in the lens when a picture is taken. Aperture allows a certain amount of light to come in. If the aperture is higher then it allows less light to come in while if the aperture is lower then it allows more light to come in to the camera. This allows the photo taken to be lighter or darker. The aperture is at the top of the exposure triangle. It plays a big part in focusing the picture correctly for the overall picture to look good. 

Friday, October 10, 2014


My first picture is power, then memories, growth, temptation, abandoned, danger, sadness, patriotic, happiness, anger, wisdom, sound, hope, mystery, courage, authority, compassion, calm, ugly, pride, truth, lazy, terrifying, love, and diversity. My favorite photos were hope, compassion, and sound. These are my favorite because the picture of hope is really cute and it was really fun to take the picture with the dog. Then compassion because i loved the way the picture turned out and how each hand is placed together. Last, i liked my picture of sound because of the angle i took it at and i felt like it represented the theme of the picture very well.